Providing good quality materials and components as well as efficient logistics are one of biggest challenges for any company dealing with contractual assembly of electronics.
Our logistics = Your savings
Hundreds of suppliers, thousands of types of components, millions of chips used per month, constant changes in delivery dates, and constant pursuit of price optimization make logistics management in the electronics industry a huge challenge.
The quality of this process in the company translates directly into the final price of the product borne by the customer, which is why it is so important to pay special attention to the efficient logistics process when choosing your PCB/finished equipment supplier.
Supply chain management and order logistics go far beyond just supplying components and shipping ready modules. This process also includes:
- order planning based on forecasts,
- analysis of current inventory levels in relation to orders and forecasts – to ensure zero level of downtime,
- continuous optimization of component prices,
- looking for substitutes and new sources of supply,
- optimization of orders in terms of the best value for money,
- optimization of supply logistics,
- optimization of projects to use common elements for several products to reduce their price relatively.
Experienced people, not afraid of time pressure, sudden complications and respecting the essence of timeliness, who, additionally supported by well-functioning ERP, are able to cope with any task, work in BORNICO.
As the company dealing with contractual assembly and OEM production, BORNICO strives to constantly monitor prices of components on local and global markets, so that the components used for production have an adequate price level beyond the desired quality.